WoW TWW, a Mastery breakdown (2024)

Death Knight :
Blood :
1 point = 0.44% extra healing converted to your shield ; 0.22% extra attack power
Frost : 1 point = 0.44% extra Frost damage
Unholy : 1 point = 0.40% extra Shadow and pet damage

Demon Hunter :
Havoc :
1 point =0.40% extra Chaos damage
Vengeance : 1 point = 0.33% extra Agility converted to Armor

Druid :
Balance :
1 point = 0.11% extra Nature and Arcane damage ; 0.055% extra Nature and Arcane damage to targets affected by or respectively
Feral : 1 point = 0.41% extra damage on your finishers, bleeds and other DoTs
Guardian : 1 point = 1.545% extra health and healing (affects healing from outside sources) and 0.22% extra attack power
Restoration : 1 point = 0.11% extra healing per HoT on the target

Evoker :
Augmentation :
Versatility buff does not work solo, 1 point =0.075% extra duration on our helpful auras
Devastation : 1 point =0.33% more damage to targets depending on their health percentage : 100% effective if target is at 100% HP, 50% if at 50%, 30% is a cap and you never go below 30% effectiveness
Preservation : 1 point =0.40% extra healing depending on how many more HP you have than the target, always 100% effective on yourself

Hunter :
Beast Mastery :
1 point = 0.42% extra pet damage, affects
Marksmanship : 1 point = 0.138% extra range on your abilities, 0.31% extra damage on your abilities
Survival : 1 point = 0.178% extra damage increase (affects all damages besides trinkets or bombs for example), you have a baseline flat 3% damage reduction that does not increase with mastery ; all those bonuses are doubled when within 25 meters of your pet

Mage :
Arcane :
1 point = 0.265% extra mana regen and maximum mana, 0.2%/0.136% boost per charge to the exisiting 67%/94% of and respectively, 0.22% extra damage to other arcane abilities.
Fire : 1 point = 0.137% extra damage of your main fire spells converted to a DoT
Frost : 1 point = 0.22% extra damage, 0.214% extra and damage, 0.143% extra damage on

Monk :
Brewmaster :
1 point = 0.194% extra chance to dodge when hit or using, stacking until you dodge an attack, 0.22% extra attack power
Mistweaver : 1 point = 1.70% extra healing on your
Windwalker : 1 point = 0.38% extra damage on your abilities as long as they differ from the one you previously used

Paladin :
Holy :
1 point = 0.33% extra healing depending on the proximity of the target, always 100% effective on yourself
Protection : 1 point = 0.22% extra chance to block (DR will happen), 0.22% extra attack power, 0.06% damage reduction in Stong synergy with the talent that elevates this mastery as a top one
Retribution : 1 point = 0.34% extra Holy damage, 0.167% chance for to deal extra damage (120% of attack power, affected by mastery, versatility and weapon damage)

Priest :
Discipline :
1 point = 0.3% extra healing to targets affected by ; atonement is triggered by,, and should you ever have a reason to use it
Holy : 1 point = 0.21% of your healing is taken into consideration to put a 4 seconds HoT on the target
Shadow : 1 point = 0.11% extra damage dealt per, and on the target

Rogue :
Assassination :
1 point = 0.375% extra damage to your poisons
Outlaw : 1 point = 0.397% extra damage to
Subtlety : 1 point = 0.54% extra damage on your finishers

Shaman :
Elemental :
1 point = 0.157% extra elemental and physical damage (all of our damage technically) and an extra 0.414% chance to get an Overload proc which grants,, and (if you have the talent) a chance to hit another time at 25% of its power and generate a weaker amount of Maelstrom
Enhancement : 1 point = 0.441% extra Fire, Frost and Nature damage and 0.0179% extra chance for and to proc
Restoration : 1 point = 0.662% effectiveness to your mastery, this scales linearly following this formula : (100-current HP percentage of the target*mastery) and, for example if you had 50% mastery and had 50% health you'd get a 25% healing bonus to your heals

Warlock :
Affliction :
1 point = 0.552% extra damage to,,, and
Demonology : 1 point = 0.32% extra damage to your demons
Destruction : 1 point = 0.22% extra damage plus up to 0.22% extra potential damage at random

Warrior :
Arms :
1 point = 0.243% extra damage dealt to targets affected by
Fury : 1 point = 0.309% extra damage when Enraged
Protection : 1 point = 0.09 extra chance to block; 0.33% extra chance to "critically block" (for twice the amount) and 0.22% extra attack power

WoW TWW, a Mastery breakdown (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.