Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peters | The University of Sunderland (2024)

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Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peters | The University of Sunderland (1)

Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter's

The University’s impressive riverside campus is within easy reach of both the city and Sunderland’s miles of beautiful beaches. Business, Law, Tourism, Education and Social Sciences are based here, as is the University’s main centre for Computing and Engineering. Media is also taught here, at The David Puttnam Media Centre, which houses a cinema, industry-standard TV studios, lecture halls and the University’s award-winning community radio station,Spark Sunderland.

The riverside is also home to the Northern Centre of Photography, as well as The David Goldman Technology Centre, a high-tech computing environment with strong links to software companies and a constant exchange of ideas and people.


Our Sir Tom Cowie Campus is situated right on the riverside of the infamous River Wear. You'll be able to find great spaces

BuildingWhat's inside
ProspectProspect is home to our amazing Library as well as the Balcony Cafe, Riverside Cafe and of course our Gateway Enquiries team. You'll also find International Student Support drops ins run from Prospect alongside Centre for Graduate Prospects and Student Support Services appointments where applicable.
Interfaith Chaplaincy CentreOur Interfaith Chapaliancy Centre is a quiet space to study and reflect, whether you follow a faith or not. You can also find prayer rooms, the Faith Library, and LGBTQI+ resource room.
David Goldman Technology CentreThe David Goldman Technology Centre is a high-tech computing environment with strong links to software companies and a constant exchange of ideas and people. It's home to our Engineering and Computing courses as well as houses our Library@David Goldman on the top floor.
David Puttnam Media CentreDavid Puttnam Media Centre is home to our Media based courses. You'll find our cinema as well as state of the art film and TV studio facilities here. You'll also see and hear Spark FM, our award-winning student radio station located inside.
Reg Vardy CentreThe Reg Vardy Centre support students our Business, Law and Tourism programmes. Here you'll find a variety of facilities from our law court to bespoke teaching rooms. You'll also find the Atrium Cafe
Wearside ViewLocated on the banks of the iconic River Wear at St Peter’s, the building provides students and academics from the University’sFaculty of Education and Societywith modern classrooms and inspiring social spaces.


Our services are designed around you. You'll find teams are here to welcome and support you in different ways and at different times throughout your student journey.

TeamWhat we offerWhere to find usWebsite
Gateway EnquiriesThe Gateway is your one-stop shop for all your enquiries. No matter what it is, the team will ensure you get the answers you need.Upper Floor, Prospect BuildingFIND OUT MORE
Centre for Graduate ProspectsThe team will be able to help you get career-ready. From their support around finding jobs through vacancy searches and CV and interview support to building your employability skills overall.Upper Floor, Prospect BuildingFIND OUT MORE
International Student SupportInternational Student Support offers visa, immigration and welfare advice to the international student community and beyond.Upper Floor, Prospect BuildingFIND OUT MORE
Library ServicesThe Library team is here to support you and help you do your best from your very first week all the way through to your final assignment with their resources and study skills development.Upper & Lower Floor Prospect BuildingFIND OUT MORE
Sunderland Student Law ClinicThe Clinic offers a free and professional service focusing on areas where people may find it difficult to find or afford other legal services.Reg Vardy BuildingFIND OUT MORE
Digital ServicesOur Digital Services helpdesk sits alongside our Gateway Enquiries team. They are here to support you with any of your IT issues.Upper Floor, Prospect BuildingFIND OUT MORE

Study Spaces

We have an array of dedicated study spaces across City Campus. These spaces are open to all students and provide a space to study and browse collections where applicable.

We have a variety of different learning spaces for you to choose from, whether it's throughout the learning space itself, dedicated study rooms or our innovative study booths. You will also have the option to use your own device or one of our computers.

SpaceLearning SpacesCollectionsInteractive Map
St Peter's Library
(Prospect Building)
Open floor study desks and a bookable study room.Exhibition Catalogues, Arts, Architecture, Sculpture, Graphic Arts, Painting, Printmaking, Media, Literature, Education, Social Sciences, Languages, Computing, Engineering, Business, Law, Tourism.VIEW HERE
Library@David Goldman
(David Goldman)
Open floor study desks, study booths, group study booths, and bookable study rooms.Photography, Computer Art, Film, Video, Music, Performing Arts, LiteratureVIEW HERE

Food & Drink

At our Sir Tom Cowie Campus you'll find a variety of inviting spaces to take a moment to relax in with a light bite or larger meal, and better yet, most of these areas have great views of the River Wear!

BuildingWhat's on offer
Balcony CafeProspect

Our Cafes across St Peter's are inviting and comfortable areas for you to enjoy food and drink on campus.

They have a fantastic reputation for offering great service and using locally sourced, sustainable ingredients, plus a variety of vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options.

Riverside CafeProspect
Atrium CafeReg Vardy
Wearside CafeWearside View
Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peters | The University of Sunderland (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.