'Elite Capture,' Tim Walz and How I Met Deng Xiaoping (2025)

Stephen L. Wilmeth

Stephen L. Wilmeth

Aug 12Liked by Roger Simon

Holy cow! The Walz pick is no longer shrouded in mystery. He is exactly the pick recruited long before America had any idea! And, yes, Roger, welcome back! A bunch of us ran searches checking on your health and wellbeing!

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Pangolin Chow Mein

Sebastian’s Substack

Aug 13

According to legal documents disclosed Tuesday, Sharon Bush's lawyers questioned Neil Bush closely about the deals, especially a contract with Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., a firm backed by Jiang Mianheng, the son of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, that would pay him $2 million in stock over five years.

Marshall Davis Brown, lawyer for Sharon Bush, expressed bewilderment at why Grace would want Bush and at such a high price since he knew little about the semiconductor business.

"You have absolutely no educational background in semiconductors do you?" asked Brown.

"That's correct," Bush, 48, responded in the March 4 deposition, a transcript of which was read by Reuters after the Houston Chronicle first reported on the documents.

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Roger Simon
Aug 13Author

If your point is that there is corruption and "elite capture" on both side of the aisle, I wholeheartedly concur. Certainly, the Chinese don't care about the party allegiance of the people they're buying. But now that we know more about it, we'd better stop it in its tracks before it eats our country alive.

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Pangolin Chow Mein

Sebastian’s Substack

Aug 13

Bush sr was the UN ambassador in 1971 when China was given a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Bush did not recall Ambassador Lilly after Tiananmen Square! And then he sent Scowcroft to grovel in secret to Deng!! And you care about a teacher staying in China?!? And then Bush’s lackey in Congress was the Republican sponsor for PNTR with China. And then Bush jr finished negotiating China into the WTO in the aftermath of 9/11. And then Bush’s final foreign trip was to Beijing for the 2008 Olympics. The Bush family’s goal over multiple generations and multiple decades was to make China great again…MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

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Tina Trent
Aug 20

Now do the Bidens. Only, over here on the Right, we don't pretend to see the Bushes as anything more than another dysfunctional team of successful political grifters enriching themselves at the expense of truth and freedom.

I've been courted by some of these grifts as a nobody academic and political worker, and Roger explains it well. You start with some mysterious invitation to a cultural event, and then you get another, and another. They feed you lobster and filet mignon in a fancy hotel. There's some weird cultural performance and seemingly no politics, unless you know how to do your homework, which nobody bothers to do. Some of your colleagues know why they're there; most just feel flattered and think they've had an exotic "cultural exchange."

The ones who know what they're doing and keep the relationship going can really get ahead, and some of the willfully naive find themselves moving up the ladder too. How do you think a nobody high school coach gets 30 trips to China and ends up in Washington and then plucked to be VP? All you have to do is close your eyes tightly and give away or sell your soul.

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Pangolin Chow Mein

Sebastian’s Substack

Aug 20

Did you even know Neal Bush helped China develop a semiconductor industry?? You are clueless. Walz is anti-CCP! The Bushes are pro-CCP! Understand the difference!!

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Tina Trent
Aug 20

Here in America, we prefer that children of elected officials do not use our resources to enrich themselves with foreign totalitarian governments. But we are discussing entirely different things anyway.

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Doc Greene
Aug 12

This information should be available to everyone. This connection is very dangerous!

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Aug 12

Great flashback to So. Cal. and that period. Always the compelling story teller as you air your own foibles and biases freely. Can't be a journalist that way, thank god. Citizen Free Press (aggregator)

ought to pick up your work, like Don Surber's. Big audience. Epoch Time's loss here.

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Pangolin Chow Mein

Sebastian’s Substack

Aug 13

Neil Bush is the founder and chair of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations. He is the third of five children of President and Mrs. George H. W. Bush. He and his wife Maria live in Houston, Texas and have six children.

Mr. Bush has been involved with energy, real estate and international business development for four decades beginning in 1980. For the past 25 years, Mr. Bush has engaged in various international business development activities with a focus on China. He first visited China in 1975 when his father was the chief liaison officer representing the United States in Beijing. His business and personal interests have allowed for many return trips over the years. Since 1975, Mr. Bush has traveled to China over 140 times and has visited over 40 cities.

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M. Patrick McCrary

M.’s Substack

Aug 12

I wondered what happened to your brilliant columns at ET but glad to see you're still contributing to the dialogue through this Substack. Godspeed Roger and Sheryl!

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Cathy Yonkers
Aug 12

Loved starting my morning again with a Roger Simon piece!! I even read it aloud to my husband, and he, too, enjoyed hearing the truths, especially the personal experiences you use as proof. With your permission, I would like to quote a part of this that deals with Walz, giving you full credit. Again, I find we have something in common. Back in the late 1970’s-early 1980’s, as a World Literature teacher of gifted 10th graders, along with my colleague, a World History teacher of these same classes, we were contacted by the US-China Friendship Association and asked if we would like to have a teacher from communist China come visit our classrooms. Having had a thorough and profound classroom experience on the evils of communism in high school, I had no illusions about the CCP. We received permission to have the visit. “Showing is better than telling.” My students enjoyed the visit, liked seeing the beautiful kimonos the teacher brought, accepted her “gifts” of pens and little trinkets, but they couldn’t wait until she left to ask me questions about what they saw. Who were the three mysterious men, all dressed in black pants, white shirts, and dark jackets who stood watch over her in our classroom? Why did you pretend to give her a copy of our World Lit. book but slip one of our resources, your old American Lit. book, into her bag? (She whispered to me asking if I would give her an American Lit. book.), and, Why was she so quiet and seemingly shy when we asked her about her students in her classrooms? Of course I let them ask all the questions they had. But I then asked them what had they learned through their observations that would give them answers to most of their questions. This became an honest and open discussion about communism. A few days later, one of my students brought back the pen he had been given. On its own, the pen had broken into many pieces. This resulted in another in-depth discussion on communism.

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Richard Pollock

Richard’s Substack

Aug 12

Roger Simon is like a rare diamond. And his contributions to Substack will be a precious.

His common sense observations are powerful…and well, full of obvious but (usually) ignored sensibilities by our media industrial complex. Welcome to Substack!

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Steve’s Substack

Aug 12·edited Aug 12

Welcome back, Mr Simon!

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Aug 12

Roger, ten years before When Roger Met Deng, twenty before Ten Thousand Martyrs to Mao, I convinced my poli sci chair to credit me for a trip to the Nixon Counterinaugural. January, 1969 I filmed, photographed, and taped the permitted parade of America's Left in their Rebel-Rebel post-Chicago caterwauling. Mark Rudd's red armbanded Maoists jogged past the Department of Justice chanting Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh, The NLF Is Gonna Win when one of their number peeled off to bang the now-removed iron knocker on the big steel doors. In the windows above, the shirtsleeved lawyers flashed rictus grins and double birds--but now those windows are filled with smarmy Marxists. You were tied to a mast of common sense and heard the sirens singing--and can now report the hidden danger. Kamo Kamala and her Tampon Rambo are the puppets of a wider menace. Maintain your lighthouse--lest America wreck on seductive rocks.

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Mitchell Rapoport

Mitchell’s Substack

Aug 12

Excellent piece. One minor correction, though. By best estimates, only 2% of Chinese belong to the Comminist Party and they are recruited. Apparently, you don’t just apply. (I could be wrong.)

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Roger Simon
Aug 12Author

I have heard similar, Mitchell. Perhaps the word "apply" is too specific. The process is probably more like making sure the CCP officials see your hand is raised.

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Clyde Hayes
Aug 12

Great to have your “pen to paper” back, Roger, as missed your weekly article in EpochTimes! This article both reminds me of the first days I visited China for business and the fact that our mainstream media is a part of the efforts to kill democracy in America. My first visit was in 1995, a time when major cities were used to seeing foreigners; however, outside of those cities, foreigners were rare. I remember visiting a factory in a small town (about a million) and taking a walk before dinner with my hosts and being followed by a few dozen people. One woman brought her son out to meet us and touch his head, interesting. I was also in the Beijing area, actually stuck on a highway when the CCP leader Deng Xiaoping made the declaration that China could become a great communist nation after they became the world’s greatest capitalist. This led to Chinese manufacturers being freed up to pursue global business which they successfully did. While many of these companies were highly successful and “free” to pursue their capitalist dream, most eventually were controlled/influenced by the CCP when their size and wealth grew; so much for the capitalist dream. Imagine if we had real journalists working in our MSM, including Fox, who would actually expose politicians like Walz for who and what they are and want to move the US to. It would in fact be a Red Wave in November if people had real knowledge of what is going on - we can only pray for a good outcome; if not achieved, we will be praying for other reasons. Look forward to hearing from you on a regular basis!

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Aug 12

So thankful to you for sharing your insight.

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David Smith
Aug 13

What's bizarre? A cloistered young, small-town man has his eyes opened to the world on a one-year teaching trip and is able to turn it into a second job, taking others like him to China for study programs. Like practically the entire rest of the world, he thought engagement with China would liberalize the country. He has spoken out repeatedly against Chinese government repression and authoritarianism. It's this article that's bizarre.

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Aug 13

So they replaced their Communist puppet and his deranged idiot sidekick with the same deranged idiot and a new communist puppet as the side kick? That's truly alarming, the Chinese are serious outplaying us as a nation, they are going to win.

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Pangolin Chow Mein

Sebastian’s Substack

Aug 13·edited Aug 13

We just had the Olympics…guess what Olympics had America losing the gold medal count by a significant margin?? 2008 Beijing Olympics!! Guess which American president attended that Olympics to bend the knee to our inevitable superiors?? Bush! And yet thanks to Obama and Trump and Biden China never surpassed America as the Bush family desired!!

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Chilblain Edward Olmos

The Best Revenge

Aug 13

That was a sobering read. Signs of an American Cultural Revolution are everywhere. It’s ominous to put it lightly.

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Jeffrey Carter

Points And Figures

Aug 12

Congrats on the new gig. Say hello to Sheryl. When it comes to core beliefs, is Walz that different from Gavin Newsome? Senator Markey? Gov Gretchen Whitmer?

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Robert Lee
Aug 17·edited Aug 17

You write well. But you are a vandal. You use words to start fires. Not to shed light. Shame on you. I realize it’s a whole lot easier and the flesh is weak. I’d be interested in knowing why you left Epoch Times. I have some motorcycle acquaintances who read it. They pronounce it Epic Times and I’m quite sure they think epoch is how epic is spelled. They don’t know it’s Chinese connection. They also believe Bill Gates is trying to depopulate the world and there are locator RFIDs in the Covid vaccines. Oh. Hillary kills babies, cuts off the faces, and wears them as masks. Oh. Michele Obama is a tranny. As I recall, you can learn more than one of these things in Epoch Times.

You’re slumming.

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'Elite Capture,' Tim Walz and How I Met Deng Xiaoping (2025)


What is Deng Xiaoping most remembered for? ›

Deng developed a reputation as the "Architect of Modern China" and his ideological contributions to socialism with Chinese characteristics are described as Deng Xiaoping Theory.

Did Deng Xiaoping visit the US? ›

The visit of Deng Xiaoping to the United States (Chinese: 1979年邓小平访美) was the first official visit by a paramount leader of China to the US, occurring under Jimmy Carter's administration.

Which best explains how Deng Xiaoping modernized industry in China? ›

Which best explains how Deng Xiaoping modernized industry in China? He allowed capitalism in new economic zones.

What did Deng Xiaoping hope to achieve with his Four Modernizations? ›

In 1978, Chinese politician Deng Xiaoping proposed a set of targeted modernization policies aimed at reviving the Chinese economy called the Four Modernizations. This program focused on bringing the areas of agriculture, industry, science and technology, and the military up to modern global standards.

Did China find America first? ›

Recently discovered ancient scripts suggest Chinese explorers may have discovered America long before the Europeans arrived there, a report says. It was Christopher Columbus who discovered America but new evidence suggests the Chinese were exploring America at least a thousand years before Christ.

Who was the 1st U.S. president to visit China? ›

Richard Nixon earned a reputation as a strong anti-communist in the late 1940s and as vice-president to Dwight Eisenhower, yet in 1972 he became the first U.S. president to visit mainland China while in office. Ulysses S.

What to wear in China in October? ›

Autumn (September to November):
  • Layered clothing: Bring long-sleeved shirts, light sweaters, and a medium-weight jacket for cooler temperatures.
  • Trousers and jeans: Comfortable pants for daily wear.
  • Comfortable walking shoes: For exploring cities and attractions.
Mar 28, 2024

Were Deng Xiaoping's reforms successful? ›

The reforms briefly went into stagnation after the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, but were revived after Deng Xiaoping's southern tour in 1992. The reforms led to significant economic growth for China within the successive decades; this phenomenon has since been seen as an "economic miracle".

What were the results of Deng Xiaoping's changes? ›

As the most powerful figure in the People's Republic of China from the late 1970s to the late 1990s, Deng Xiaoping spearheaded changes in China that led to a rapidly growing economy, rising standards of living, and growing ties to the world economy, and also considerably expanded personal and cultural freedoms.

What did Deng focus on? ›

Drawing inspiration from Lenin's New Economic Policy, Deng's theory encouraged the construction of socialism within China by having it develop "Chinese characteristics", which was guided by China's economic reform policy with the goal of self-improvement and the development of a socialist system.

What was the purpose of Deng Xiaoping's special economic zones? ›

The SEZs goal was to attract foreign investments, technology, and manufacturing. Deng believed the Special Economic Zones would be the way to attract companies from other countries to bring their businesses to China.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.